A subscription to venture analytics is a service for investors or startups who need expert assistance in various areas of the venture industry, depending on the request, including market research, startup evaluation, determination of its potential, fundraising, investment training or specific consulting.
The analyst will provide you with support throughout the subscription period. You will be able to contact him with questions, ask for additional explanations or clarifications on the information received.
Service execution time:
Subscription terms depend on the selected plan: an analyst can be provided on an hourly or weekly basis.
Step-by-step description of the process:
1. After submitting the application, the club employee contacts you. 2. You specify your request by thesis. 3. You and the club determine the analyst. 4. The analyst contacts you for an initial consultation 5. The club sends the invoice, you make the payment. 6. The analyst starts working according to your needs and goals. 7. At the end of the work, you can renew your subscription if you need further support.